"Cosmic Companions"
Astrological Relationship Chart Interpretation

Customized Personal Chart Readings For Relationship Compatibility
based on the unique birth dates, times, and locations of two people

Everyone wants to know how they are compatible in relationships and partnerships! This is the most burning question people want answered after they understand their own charts. What is it like when you put two charts together and see two individual auras blend?

Welcome to the Cosmic Companions astrological chart interpretation. Finally an in-depth astrology download on the potential and beauty of two beings coming together to share life. This interpretation is not only excellent for lovers, but also great for friendships and business partnerships.

The most essential ingredient to any relationship is consciousness. I've see people with the best astrological synastry (lit. to join the stars) have terrible relationships and people with the worst synastry overcome there inherent conflicts through consciousness and acceptance and create lasting harmony.

Having your astrological compatibility interpreted will help you achieve that harmony quickly because it cuts through right to the core issues and shows how you can transform struggles into gifts and also nurture the strengths.

Here is a list of some of the important issues explored:

• Educational Relationship Information: Masterful Spiritual Keys to Relationship

• The Individual birth Charts: Getting to know and honor each person's preferences

• The Principle of Harmonic Balance: The Secrets of Lasting Harmony Revealed

• Interaspects: How each person's planets interact with each other creating a dialogue.

• Chart Transpositions: Placing each partners planets in the others birth sky to see
how they bring your fields of life experience vitality.

• Seasons of the Soul: What current events and psychological developments
are happening in each person's life that can be supported?

The art of relationship is an art of building trust and love over time, learning to appreciate differences, defining your boundaries, and targeting compassion and love. The astrology of two souls coming together to merge lives shows exactly where the strengths and weaknesses lie and suggests way of working to acknowledge the many diverse layers for total harmony. A relationship that can reconcile quickly after the inevitable conflicts is stronger and more vibrant. Astrology reveals how we can reconcile with each other quickly and move into greater levels of awareness, mutual interdependence, and value.

As with all my astrological interpretations you have the option of ordering four different styles. To select the version you would like, close out of this window and you will return to the order page!


copyright ©2006 Divine Inspiration Astrology & Kelly Lee Phipps
site & graphic design by ActivateTheVision.com