Rising from Ashes: Poetry of the Lunar Phases

Kelly’s mother, Brenda, writes:

I found these in Kelly’s files and thought we would share to help Arian a little more.  Kelly was always the lover of the Moon and Stars and forever a poet and at some point he put this all together for you to hear. As put in his eulogy for Kelly, Peter Roth said “As a poet, he had an amazing memory for poems, not only for those which he wrote himself, but also those of other poets. Poetry was a key medium through which Kelly shared his teachings, readings, insights and wisdom.”

Each Lunar Phase includes several short poems, written and read by Kelly. Each lunar phase is available as an individual set of mp3 files, or you can order the whole collection. (NOTE: We’ve been unable to locate files for the Last Quarter Moon phase.)


rising-from-ashes-thumb Rising from Ashes: The Collection
Includes all seven Phase sets and an introduction.$30.00
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newmoon New Moon Phase

Includes: Emptiness, Engaging the Infinite, Satori, Whakiness Zone, Year After Year


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wax-crescent Waxing Crescent Moon
Includes: Belonging, Rites of Visitation, The Dark Presence, The Garden of Frost, To Visit the Sea$5.00
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first-quarter First Quarter Moon
Includes: Beauty, Courage, Drifting, Streaming, Threshold, Well of Being$5.00
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gibbous-moon Gibbous Moon
Includes: The Battle Within, Source, Seeds of Life, Rising Again, Revision, Layil and Ur, Lamenting Her Toil, Fractals of Being$5.00
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full-moon Full Moon

Includes: This Holy Life, LOVE, Love Flows, Freedom to Love, Dia, Animas Light


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disseminating-mn Disseminating Moon

Includes: The Journey, Surfacing the Cosmic Tide, Quest of the Magi, Innocence Unveiled, Emptiness, Cosmic Consciousness, BindMeBackTogether


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balsamic-moon Balsamic Moon

Includes: Yugen, Unpaved, Tides, Rising From Ashes, Mystery, In the Shadow of God, Greying Hair, Eternal Being


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